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Coach Giselle's Motivation Mix

Coach Giselle's Motivation Mix
Personal trainer Giselle Macchi has always been passionate about fitness in one shape or form. From a young age, she was a natural athlete playing a variety of team sports, as well as being a gymnast and dancer.


After graduating from college, she realized quickly that she wasn’t happy sitting in front of a computer all day, she also knew she wanted to make an impact in people’s lives. Following her passion, she decided to pursue a career in the fitness industry. 



With 14 years of fitness professional experience, she talked with Tivoli Audio about her health philosophy, and tips to help us meet our New Year’s fitness goals. Lastly, she shares her workout mix to get us motivated, because every good workout needs a kickass playlist! 



Name: Giselle Macchi

Occupation: Certified Personal Trainer & Health Coach; Co-Founder & Coach at Daily Nourish

How did you get into fitness and what was your biggest inspiration?

I wanted to share my passion and help people work towards their goals, become better versions of themselves, build confidence and strength, and improve their overall quality of life.



How would you describe your overall health philosophy?

My health philosophy has always been: what works for others may not work for you. You’ve got to find your own path, experience your own journey, and create an environment that breeds wellness and health from every angle. Some examples could be: eat healthy, be active daily, minimize stress or at least practice techniques to manage stress better, get 7-8 hours of sleep, declutter your home, get outside, soak up some vitamin D and allow nature to refresh your spirit.

Wellness and health isn’t about killing yourself in the gym or buying into the latest fads... it’s about living your best life from the inside out.



One of the most common goals for the new year is to get healthy. Why do you think that is important now than any other year?

Well we all know that January always brings about those fitness New Year’s resolutions! There was even a study I read that the top 4 New Year’s resolutions are focused on health & fitness (no surprise there!).

This year is particularly important to focus on health for a lot of us. We’ve endured such a challenging, unprecedented year. From quarantines and stay-home orders, to gyms, recreation facilities, and other businesses having to close. Our world was basically flipped upside down, and it’s all taken a toll on our sense of well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally. The promise of a new year always has a sense of hope and change, and I think we are all ready for it!



Can you give us your top 3 to 4 tips to be able to meet our New Year’s health goals ?

1) Go beyond an aesthetic goal (i.e. what you want to look like) and think about how you want to feel and what you want to be able to do. This kind of goal-setting will keep you much more engaged and invested for the long run. Also, don’t forget to set some smaller, short-term goals to help keep you moving forward toward your big or long-term goals. Be kind to yourself, and reward yourself when you accomplish those small goals too. If you “mess up” one day or experience any sort of setback, pick yourself up, learn from it, and keep going!

2) Try different types of workouts to see what you enjoy the most, then you won’t dread working out, because it’s an activity or sport you enjoy and get excited about. Also, don’t be afraid to switch things up from time to time. Be open to trying new things, and be adaptable.

3) I’ve seen too many people try to start a fitness routine too aggressively or without the proper guidance and hurt themselves, get burned out quickly, or not see any results. Work with a fitness professional to help get you started on the right track safely. I know due to Covid it's not possible to do in person training, but I still work with my clients virtually.



You’ve put together some of your favorite music to work out to, how important do you think music is to a good workout?

Music to me is extremely important to a good workout. It energizes me, keeps me motivated, lifts up my mood, and honestly makes me feel like I can just kick ass during my workouts! Good music can honestly make any workout feel like the best workout you ever did!



The Tivoli Audio Fonico earbuds were made for those kick ass workouts and mobile lifestyle. What elements do you like about them?

I like that they are designed for an active lifestyle. The waterproof feature means I don’t have to worry if a little sweat gets on them, or if it starts to rain when I’m running. I also like that they come with a few different interchangeable parts to help them fit your ear better. A lot of earbuds I’ve tried in the past constantly fell out of my ear. Also, the Fonico's sound quality is awesome! There’s nothing more annoying than sport earbuds that have terrible sound and keep popping out of your ear when you’re in the middle of a workout or run!



Aside from music what other “must have items” is part of your workout routine? 

Aside from great music, I personally love my Lululemon Athletica gear to help keep me focused on the workout itself and performing well without worrying about “wardrobe malfunctions.”

It’s true when they say that what you wear can make a difference in how you feel in your workouts! I also have to have my Adidas running shoes (I won’t tell you how many pairs I have!). In terms of equipment, I love TRX workouts, and have been teaching this modality for over a decade. But our training studio is fully equipped with all our favorite tools like dumbbells, kettlebells, and battle rope to name a few. Recovery tools are also a must! I use a foam roller, lacrosse ball and a percussion massage device called the Hypervolt daily!



Can you tell us about any projects that you are currently working on?

My husband David and I launched Daily Nourish, our health & fitness company in 2017. We worked for big health clubs for years and we wanted to give a more personalized approach to training to our clients. Our focus is on our 5 pillars: fitness, nutrition, mindset, community, and accountability. And we developed a variety of in-person and online fitness solutions.

Since the start of the global pandemic, all of our work pivoted to virtual training, classes, and online coaching. We also created a Facebook group to help people stay fit at home. Through doing our weekly classes virtually, we’ve been able to expand our Daily Nourish community around the globe from all over the U.S., Canada, France and Italy.



Additionally, David and I work as personal trainers at Google, and are Master Trainers for Technogym. I’m also a fitness instructor for the Stanford University School of Medicine Health Improvement Program. We love working with these amazing companies in the Bay Area (California), and are grateful that our work has also taken us around the country.

If you want more info on Coach Giselle or just want to hop on a virtual class, you can head to MyDailyNourish.com or Facebook: @daily_nourish or Instagram @Alohagiselle


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